Is your drug use more problems than parties right now?

We can help you find solutions. This is a no-judgment zone where you can get supplies, strategies and health resources to reduce the damage done by substance use.

The Step In Project

The mission of the Step In Project is to meet substance users where they are and provide education, support, and harm reduction methods to improve their quality of life and reduce the amount of harm done by substance use. 

Community outreach has been the cornerstone of Stepping Stone’s commitment to providing substance use disorder recovery option to the LGBTQ+ community. They are well established in providing harm reduction services to HIV positive clients seeking help with SUD services and experience in prevention strategies.

What is
Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction focuses on helping reduce the damage done by alcohol, drugs, and risky behavior. The approach is proactive and based on practices that have proven effective for many people. The main goals of harm reduction are to keep people alive, help them improve their quality of life and, if desired, connect them to care.

Harm reduction programs adhere to these guiding principles:

Respect the rights of people who use drugs

People who use drugs do not forfeit their human rights. Strategies and programs are designed to treat people who use drugs with compassion, dignity and respect.

A commitment to evidence

Harm reduction policies and practices are grounded in evidence that shows interventions to be practical, feasible, effective, safe and cost-effective across diverse cultures, social settings and income levels.

A commitment to social justice

Programs and policies should address discrimination. No one should be denied access to services based on race, gender, economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation or choice of work.

Collaboration with networks of people who use drugs

People who use drugs should be included in a meaningful way in the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs and strategies.

The avoidance of stigma

Harm reduction practitioners should accept people who use drugs as they are without judgment. Terminology and language should avoid distinctions of “good” and “bad” drugs and behaviors. Language that stigmatizes perpetuates stereotypes and creates barriers to health and social services.

Examples of Effective Harm Reduction Strategies

Access to sexual health resources such as condoms,